Thursday, January 23, 2014

Huangguoshu Waterfall Extravaganza

Huangguoshu Waterfall location
The world's third largest waterfall cascades 60 metres and presents a luxurious spray of cool mist from various viewing vantage points.

Our generous employers, at Guiyang No. 1 High School in Jinyang City, Guizhou Province, paid the 90-yuan per person fee to get them and us through the guarded entrance gate to the first viewing station, and another 30 for the ride up the steep escalator after our tour.

The view at the bottom of the falls is breathtaking. The water from the top of the mountain cascades with a tremendous force and fills your ears with thunder. The large pool of water at the bottom continues to flow down a smaller series of drops until in disappears into the deep forest.

Frank and I, along with several Chinese teachers and our leader, Ms. Shelly, walked along the prepared path to a steep set of stairs leading to the caves behind the flow. We ducked to avoid the low hanging stalagmite and stepped carefully to avoid breaking what were left of the stalactites. It was dark and a bit precarious for me but Frank was steady and encouraging. We spent nearly two hours at the wondrous site. Guizhou province is a precious location in China and a recommended destination for the explorative type.

Guizhou is a mountainous province with karst (limestone terrain), steep gorges, warm summers and mild winters. About 35% of Guizhou's population is made up of over 80 different ethnic minorities in remote villages: Miao, Bouyi, Dong, Yi and Hui to name a few. The majority of China's population is Han.
We are still in touch with dear friends that we met in Guiyang City.

* our camera broke so I've borrowed some photos from the Internet.

Path to Huangguashu Waterfalls
One of the spectacular views of Huangguoshu Falls
Huangguoshu entrance to behind the falls

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