Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Kindness of Strangers

Yichang Architecture
 On December 12, 2005, we needed to send a fax from Yichang, China, to our bank in Port McNeill, British Columbia. The only institutions in the massive city offering the service were luxury hotels.

Frank and I walked eleven kilometres searching for such a lodge. We entered the palace-like front entrance of the Innca Hotel. We took a seat in the lobby and ordered a cup of tea. The gracious hostess set the hot beverage on the table and bowed to us both. Her polite character was a delight. Afterward, we went to the front desk and asked if there was a fax in the building. The clerk blinked at us and pointed with his open hand to a glass walled office. We approached the young lady in the room. Frank asked about sending a fax.

The attractive woman smiled at Frank and spoke to him in an eloquent tone of English.

“We do not have to send a fax here, but I can take you to a business that can arrange it for you,” she said. “Come with me.”

Frank followed her dutifully out of the hotel and down the street. I chose to stay behind and lost track of them until they returned to report that the task was complete.

Her name was Riya. We became fast friends and were privileged by her company for our entire six-month stay in Yichang. She introduced us to huǒ guō, a hot pot feast of meat and vegetables, street noodles, walks along the Yichang River, fine tailors and the kindness of strangers.

Riya introduced us to huǒ guō

Riya introduced us to street noodles

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